Agatha Arch's perfect suburban life shatters to pieces when she finds her husband screwing the neighborhood dog walker in their shed. Agatha Arch is afraid of everything, but her husband has always been there to calm her fears, but now that he has moved in with that dog walker Agatha is left to face her fears alone. She passes the days that her boys are with their dad by procrastinating her new novel and giving reality checks to the drama queens in her local Mom's Group on FB. But will she be able to stop being afraid and start living her life?
I am just going to say it. Agatha Arch is a bit of a bitch. I listened to this book and found myself losing patience with the nastiness that she unleashed on her Mom's FB Group. In the online groups, I belong to, Agatha Arch would be considered a "troll." I get it, deep down she uses her nastiness to cover up for her fears. But as she found out, everybody has fears. She is not alone in her anxieties and a little kindness can go a long way. Agatha Arch goes through transformative growth, for sure, but it wasn't early enough to make me like her more. That is how much I disliked her nastiness. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS.
Bottom Line - There are a lot of reviews and readers out there who found Agatha Arch is Afraid of Everything to be really funny. I was not one of those who found it funny. I finished the book because I was curious about her redemption, but it did not redeem my opinion of her. What did you think?
- Agatha Arch is Afraid of Everything by Kristin Bair
- On Instagram
- Pages: 366
- Publisher: Alcove Press
- Publication Date: 11/10/2020
- Buy it Here!
- Thank you to NetGalley for the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
There is definitely a fine line between sympathetic and irritating, or funny and bitchy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
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