(98)In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Maelyn Jones usually loves her family's Christmas trips to the cabin in Park City, Utah.  They meet up with old college friends of her parents and their kids.  It is a tradition that means a lot to Mae. But here she is in her twenties, back living with her parents, and in a dead-end job. It is no wonder that she isn't exactly in the holiday mood when her family makes their annual trip to Park City. But even at her "happy place" Mae makes a mistake that she instantly regrets. When she makes a plea to the universe to show her what will make her happy the universe pulls a "Groundhog Day" on her. She relives the days at the cabin trying to figure out exactly what the universe is trying to tell her. As the days repeat, Mae starts to realize that happiness has been in front of her all along. 

In A Holidaze was a delightful holiday novel. Mae is a fun character in a familiar, if not unusual situation. Not just Mae reliving the same days over and over. But let's admit it, it is WEIRD that her divorced parents travel to Park City to spend Christmas together every year. And Mae's stepfather is not only okay with it but nowhere to be found. It is weird and highly unrealistic. I did like Mae better when she was around Andrew. Their chemistry was palpable. Being a Christmas book, there is only one way this book ends - happily. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS

Bottom Line - In A Holidaze is a super cute Christmas book that hopefully will be turned into a super cute Christmas movie. At least one can hope. 


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