Low Morrison is a socially awkward teenager. Her family is less than conventional and Low is always afraid that others will find out. When Low first saw Freya she was awestruck. Something about Freya's tall, lanky frame and silky blonde hair just mesmerized Low. She jumped at the chance to take Freya's pottery class and doing so gave Low her first friend in many years. But then a new woman enters Freya's life. They struck up a friendship because Jamie owns a gift shop in town and is selling Freya's pottery. Low is jealous when she finds herself looking on the outside of their friendship. What Low doesn't know is that one night Freya and her husband had a wild night with Jamie and her husband. And the ramifications from that night will be long lasting. Will Low be able to step back into the top spot as Freya's best friend?
The Swap is one of those salacious books that you can't put down. From the minute the author introduced Low's family, I knew that I was going to be in for a ride. I was not sure what to think of Low. I think that she was mentally unbalanced, but not as batshit crazy as Freya. I really felt sorry for Jamie, who was normal but caught up in the crazy. Also caught up in the crazy was Max, Freya's husband. And Brian, Jamie's husband. Although I did not like either of them as much as Jamie. There were a lot of twists and turns through the whole book, but nothing as shocking as the final pages. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS.
Bottom Line - The Swap is the kind of psychological thriller that will keep you up late reading, but will embarrass you if you have to discuss it with your mother.
- The Swap by Robyn Harding
- On Twitter
- Pages: 336
- Publisher: Gallery/Scout Press
- Publication Date: 6.23.2020
- Buy it Here!
- Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review.
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