(77)The Collective by Alison Gaylin

Sunday, December 26, 2021


Camille Gardner's life was destroyed five years ago when her daughter died after a brutal attack. The man who attacked her went free to lead an extremely privileged life. And nothing pisses Camille off more than that. She acts out against her daughter's attacker publicly and it garners an invitation to a secret group of grieving mothers on the dark web. The Collective is a group of women who get together to fantasize about the justice that avoided their children. A woman only known to Camille as 0001 leads the group. Camille isn't in the group for long before 0001 asks Camille to perform some pretty benign tasks. But then they become less benign and Camille realizes she does not know who is behind The Collective or what their motivation is for the revenge they seek. Will Camille figure it out before it is too late?

I have seen The Collective show up on a few "Best of 2021" lists, so I thought I would give it a read before the year was over. The Collective turned out to be a fast-paced novel with a lot of twists and turns. Camille Gardner is an empathetic character. How can she not be with the brutal loss of her daughter? I understand everything she did, from the confrontation at the banquet to her very last decision. I understand it all. I had hoped for a better ending, but then again. If you play with matches you are likely to get burned. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS

 Bottom Line - I understand why The Collective has made it on so many "Best of 2021" lists. It is a fresh thriller that will keep you hooked until the very last page. 

  • The Collective by Alison Gaylin
  • On Facebook
  • Pages: 352
  • Publisher: William Morrow
  • Publication Date: 11/2/2021
  • Buy it Here!
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for an honest review. 

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