(52)Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Sunday, July 10, 2022


Nora Stephens is a big city girl through and through. She grew up in the city and all of her best memories take place in New York City. A literary agent, Nora knows all the things about all the books. And as much as she loves the city, she will do anything for her sister, Libby. So when Libby asks her to go on a trip to a quaint little town featured in a book, she says yes. Sunshine Falls is quaint, but for a big city girl like Nora, it is a special kind of hell. And it gets worse when she realizes that her literary nemesis, Charlie Lastra, is also in Sunshine Falls to care for his father. Meanwhile, Nora is convinced that Libby is hiding something from her. Will Nora make it through this month-long "vacation" with her sanity and relationships in tact?

Emily Henry is becoming quite the favorite among readers. Her books are generally light-hearted and relatable. Who wouldn't love to go spend a month in a community right out of a Hallmark movie? Everything about Book Lovers reminded me of Nora Ephron. So much, in fact, I envisioned a young Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks playing Nora and Charlie. Of course, Nora has some major moments of self-growth, but all the while staying true to herself. CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS. 

Bottom Line - Once again, Emily Henry has written a book that will find its way to millions of beach bags this summer. This enemies-to-lovers book that will have you wanting to turn on the Hallmark Channel to fill the hole the book leaves after you have finished reading it. 


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