(42)Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

Saturday, June 4, 2022


I first read Small Great Things almost six years ago, but I was excited when my book club selected it for our June read. This time I listened to the audiobook and I am so glad that I did. The narrating duties featured Audra McDonald as Ruth. And she was spectacular. I wish we lived in a world that six years after publication, Small Great Things was no longer relevant, but sadly, that is not the case. Remember that this book was published before George Floyd. Before Kyle Rittenhouse took matters into his own hands and became the poster child for a radicalized movement. And before a racist shot up a grocery store in Buffalo. 

It makes me sad to think that we still live in a world where somebody would demand that Black nurses don't touch their babies, but we do. If authors keep writing books like Small Great Things, maybe people's hearts will change. Someday. We can only hope. 


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