(2)Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins

Sunday, January 9, 2022


Meroe Island has a reputation. Amid the beauty, the island has a reputation of despair, murder, and cannibalism. The reputation of the island has kept many away, but it has also lured many to the pristine beaches. Lux and her boyfriend, Nico, arrive at Meroe Island by way of a charter. Two young women have paid Nico a lot of money to take them to Meroe Island. While on the island, they meet another adventurous young couple. The six of them are enjoying the rest, relaxation, and peacefulness that the island offers. But when another stranger sails in, the dynamics change and the isolation of the island gets to all of them. Six people visit the island. Will all six leave?

Rachel Hawkins had Agatha Christie on her mind when she wrote Reckless Girls. It had a very serious "And Then There Were None" vibe. One thing that struck me is that Lux and Nico were both incredibly young. The narrator had an "older" voice and it created some difficulty with me imagining their story. The author jumps around in timelines. Going back to Amma & Brittany's past. As well as how Lux and Nico met. There really wasn't anything about this book that was shocking. In fact, it was a bit boring. CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS

Bottom Line - Rachel Hawkins had lofty ambitions when she tried to channel the great Agatha Christie. I think she fell short, but I can see where others would enjoy it. 


  • Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins
  • On Twitter 
  • Pages: 320
  • Publisher: St. Martin's Press
  • Publication Date: 1/4/2021
  • Buy it Here!
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review. 

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