(102) To Tell You the Truth by Gilly Macmillan

Thursday, December 31, 2020


Lucy Harper has emerged from finishing her latest novel to find that her husband, Dan, has purchased a house without consulting her. But what is worse is that the house he purchased is in Lucy's childhood neighborhood. The same neighborhood that holds a lot of horrible memories for Lucy, it is the neighborhood where her little brother went missing.  They haven't been in the house but a few days when Lucy and Dan have a fight and Dan goes missing. As a successful crime novelist, Lucy has intimate knowledge of how to get away with murder. And the police think that Lucy may have killed Dan, her own books the blueprint for murder. Will Lucy be able to prove her innocence and find who killed Dan? And maybe find out what happened to her little brother, Teddy, in the process?

To Tell You the Truth was a fast-paced thriller. It was very clear from the early pages that Lucy and Dan did not have a healthy relationship. Dan bought a house without telling her. Who does that?? I wasn't sure if Lucy had mental health issues. In fact, I still am not sure if she had the brilliant mind of an author or was schizophrenic. I felt for Lucy; she was so discombobulated with the move coinciding with finishing the book. And being back in her old neighborhood really did a number on her. I had several theories, but the "whodunit" really was not what I was expecting. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS. I also feel like there were some things that didn't really get wrapped up or didn't get explained properly. I feel like I was missing something. 

Bottom Line - To Tell You the Truth was another exciting thriller from Gilly Macmillan, which is why I have seen her name pop up on a lot of "favorites" list. And well deserved. 

  • To Tell You the Truth by Gilly Macmillan
  • On Twitter
  • Pages: 320
  • Publisher: William Morrow
  • Publication Date: 9/22/2020
  • Buy it Here! 
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for an honest review. 

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I find loose ends frustrating too.

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