(136)Kindred Spirits by Sarah Strohmeyer

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kindred Spirits

Publication Date: June 2011
304 Pages

Shhh... don't tell Sarah Strohmeyer, but I don't like martini's. Scratch that, after an unfortunate incident of the Casper Weekend News drinking game, I detest Vodka. Sarah Strohmeyer is an obvious fan of a well mixed martini if her new book is any indication.

Kindred Spirits is about a group of friends who met years ago while serving on the PTA. Lynne, Beth, Mary Kay & Carol have been through thick and thin. Instead of having a book club or meeting for coffee, these ladies would sneak away and have a martini. After a few years apart the girls are back together, but not for a happy occasion. They are together to bury Lynne. In the process of sorting through her things they discover that Lynne had been holding tight to a deep dark secret and from the grave she asks a huge favor of them. A favor that sets them off on a road trip seeking answers. Not just for Lynne, but for themselves.

Kindred Spirits is more than just a "drinking novel" it is a novel of sisterhood and the bonds that develop between four women. It is a bond so strong that not even death can separate them. Overall Kindred Spirits was a great "friendship" book. It was a bit predictable in spots, but I really liked all of the characters and was rooting for all of them on their quest. A good book to pick up and discuss with your girlfriends over a good martini. Or glass of wine. Or cold beer. Or whatever is your beverage of choice.

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