I firmly say more power to them. From what I read in their new book, I see a loving family that is devoted to God and to each other. They are firm in their beliefs and will not be swayed from outside influences. Atheist or Christian you have got to find that kind of commitment admirable.
In A Love That Mutiplies Jim Bob & Michelle alternate telling us a little more about their daily lives. Including the harrowing time they went through surrounding their youngest's, Josie, birth. They tell us which Bible verses they use as guidance for so many of their big decisions, like letting God decide how many children they have, their decision to homeschool, and their clothing choices for both the boys and girls in their family, to name just a few. They are not necessarily choices I would make with my family, but again, more power to them. They live frugally, honorably, and do not need government assistance to provide for their large family, so again, more power to them.
I watch a few of the TLC families here & there (Roloffs, Little Couple, Etc..) but I have only seen the Duggars once or twice. The "tone" I get from the book is that they are loving parents trying to raise their children in a loving, Godly way. They seem like a united couple with a common goal of raising their family to be kindly, godly people. Admirable, wouldn't you say? The book is very heavily based in scripture, but I would not call it Bible thumping. They are just telling their story and their story is very Faith based. I enjoyed their book immensely and will probably set the DVR to catch more of their show. Overall a great book.
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