I have been a fan of Emily Giffin's for several years now. Her books always seem to force me to look at the other side of the story. Where I once was very black and white, now I can see shades of gray.
In her new book, Heart of the Matter tells us the story of Tessa & Nick. For those of you who are long time Emily Giffin fans, Tessa is the younger sister of Dex, who we met in Something Borrowed. Tessa & Nick are chugging along on cruise control. Nick is a brilliant pediatric plastic surgeon and Tessa has recently left the workforce to stay at home with their kids full time. Things are cruising right along when a tragedy happens that brings Valerie Anderson into their lives and changes everything.
Heart of the Matter was an emotional read for me, I am not sure why. I don't want to give too much away, but once again, Ms. Giffin introduced a little gray into my world. She has written a beautiful, fluid story about love, forgiveness, and what happens when life gets in the middle of a marriage.
Long time fans of Giffin's will enjoy yet another outstanding story, but don't worry, if you haven't read anything by Ms. Giffin, you will not be lost if you pick up her new book, but you will be captivated by Nick & Tessa's story. Yet another book to add to your beach bag, you can thank me later.
I liked this one too. I'm hoping she'll write a follow up novel. I'm curious to know how Tessa, Nick and Valerie are doing in a year or two.
Ooh, I love her too. I'll have to get this one.
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