I finished The Lost Symbol, today! It was everything that I had hoped for and more! I was so excited last week when the book was released. I worked Tuesday night & was thrilled at the excitement the customers generated. They were chatting in line about what they had heard. They were reading the first few chapters while patiently waiting. They were buying multiple copies because rumor (a false rumor) had it that stores through out Kansas City were sold out. It was a fun night.
I had bought my copy & was prepared to read for the next two days. And then I got engaged. And I will be damned if that that didn't take precedence over reading. But I finally finished the book. Today!
It has been many, many years since The Da Vinci Code took the world by storm. It made fast paced hidden symbol, treasure hunt-esque type novels the most popular thing since sliced bread. Dan Brown fans have been waiting impatiently for the master to appear again. Rumors of release dates & false titles have riddled the interwebs for years. Finally, the wait is over and the Master does not disappoint and this time he keeps the action close to home. Setting his book in Washington DC.
Robert Langdon is enjoying his quiet morning routine when he is summoned to DC by his dear friend and mentor, Peter Solomon. That summons sets into motion a very fast paced, heart racing, life changing few hours. Peter & his sister, scientist Katherine, are in grave danger. Only Robert has the key to keep them safe.
Dan Brown takes his readers on a wild ride around some very famous landmarks in Washington DC. He explores the hidden symbolism that our country was founded on. It is absolutely fascinating. I heard the buzz before the book's release that they expected tourism in DC to increase because of this book. I can so see that. I think my next vacation will be to Washington DC.
Dan Brown is never going to win a Pulitzer, but he knows how to sell books. He hooks his readers and keeps them guessing with all of the twists & turns. Just for the record, I was wrong about Director Sato and right about Mal'akh. The end was satisfying and wrapped everything up quite well. Well done, Mr Brown. Please don't keep us waiting five years for your next book!
Can't wait to read it!! AND CONGRATS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT!!!!
Thank you, Kendall.
YEA!!! That big announcement deserved a bigger post. I had to read the sentence twice to catch it. CONGRATULATIONS.
I read it and really enjoyed the review...
Its not a review...
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