I am a huge fan of Cecelia Ahern. I have been ever since I listened to PS, I Love You on audio. Long before the movie, if I might add. The Gift is a wonderful Christmas tale.
Lou Suffern is on the fast track to the big time. He works hard and despite that he has a wife and children at home, he plays hard. And not with his wife. Lou Suffern is a real asshole.
One day out of the blue, he decides to give the bum on the street a cup of coffee. And before he knows it, Gabe (the bum) is working his way into Lou's life. In unbelievable ways, Gabe inserts himself in Lou's out of control life.
Is Gabe the wake up call that Lou needs to get his priorities in order? To get his life in order? Or is it too late?
The Gift wasn't my favorite Cecelia Ahern book, but it is not a bad book. A bit predictable, but nice Holiday book, nonetheless.
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