Forget Harry Potter. Forget Edward & Bella. This year, the world is waiting for The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Now if you have been living under a literary rock, Dan Brown is the author of the Angels & Demons and The DaVinci Code both books were runaway bestsellers. Not to mention hit movies.
Well in order to build the anticipation, Dan Brown and Random House have used technology and social networking to their advantage. The Lost Symbol website has gone live. All we see now is the cryptic countdown, but I suspect that if you keep checking, clues will be given daily.
But for those of you unable to wait, you can follow The Lost Symbol on Twitter and get daily clues and other updates. The very first update given on Twitter was this.
Codes of ethics? T 10 C; 6 P O T SOD; 12 S O T Z
I suspect that that right there will be the key to solving the puzzle that has become The Lost Symbol. I don't know about you, but I am dying to get my paws on this book. I love all of his books and have no doubt that this one will be like the others!
I read the Da Vinci Code before the movie came out, and I have Angels and Demons at home, but have not been inspired to pick it up and read it. Not sure I'm real excited about the new one either.
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