(24) Fight For Your Money by David Bach

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fight For Your Money is the perfect book for these "tough economic times."
Is anyone else as sick of that phrase or a variation of that phrase as I am?
Being a faithful Dave Ramsey listener, a lot of the information shared in this book is stuff that I have heard Dave talk about time & time again. But even then, a lot of the information shared is common sense punctuated with useful information.
The chapters are broken down into financial subjects. And the book is formatted like a dictionary. So the first chapter is Automobiles & everything financially pertaining to cars. From car loans to leasing to repairs. Each chapter in the book gives you a checklist of information or "to-do's" associated with each topic. As well as helpful websites & contact information for Government agencies.
I think the book would make a great graduation present. There is so much helpful information crammed into this book that a lot of us have already figured out due to life experience. A young person starting out on their own would benefit greatly from the wisdom that David Bach shares.

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