(96)Layla by Colleen Hoover

Saturday, December 19, 2020


For Layla and Leeds it was pretty much love at first sight. They met at a wedding where Leeds was playing with the band and ended up staying at the bed and breakfast several extra days. Ever since they have been inseparable.  But then tragedy strikes and Leeds is left trying to get back the Layla that he fell in love with months ago. He has the idea to take her back to the bed and breakfast where they first met, except now the place is on the market and empty of guests. They aren't there long before Leeds realizes that they are not alone. Will Leeds be able to figure out what their guest wants before it is too late?

Layla was not what I expected. I have come to love Colleen Hoover's books.  They are fast reads full of romance and intrigue.  Don't get me wrong, Layla has plenty of intrigue and romance, but it has more. Leeds and Layla were good together. I loved the story of how they met, it was truly something right out of a romance novel. I also loved the way that Leeds took care of Layla. He was obviously devoted. The direction the story takes with the "guest" was unexpected and even unrealistic. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS.  

Bottom Line - Layla is a mix of genres. One genre I really like, the other genre, I don't really care for that much. I am being purposefully vague just in case you aren't aware of the twist. Because of the twist, I wasn't exactly in love with the book, but I don't regret reading it. 


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