(105)The Breakdown by B.A. Paris

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Cass was really shaken up to find out that there was a woman murdered on the same dark, deserted road that she chose to take home after drinks with her friends. She wasn't supposed to be on that road as she promised her husband to avoid it because it was so unsafe.  She is even more shaken to discover that the woman murdered was an acquaintance of hers and she actually saw her car on the road where she was murdered.   Cass goes from shaken to unstable in a pretty quick fashion.  She is starting to forget even the most minor details. Like where she parked the car, why she ordered a stroller when she doesn't even have a baby and plans she made with her best friend.    Cass is afraid that the Early Onset Dementia that killed her mother has shown up in her and that almost terrifies her more than the phone calls where there is nobody on the other end and the feeling that things are out of place in her home.  Cass is struggling to hold on to what sanity she has left, but then she discovers something that changes everything.  Will Cass be able to figure out who killed her friend before she slips into the abyss of dementia?

The Breakdown is another psychological thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat.  Cass and Matthew are a nice enough couple.  Matthew seems to genuinely care for and worry about his wife. He seemed a little controlling, but they were newlyweds, so I shrugged it off to silly newlywed behaviors.   I hated how demure Cass was at times, how she let Matthew control her almost every thought and action.  The more things started to go south with Cass, mentally,  the more I just knew that there was more to this story. Something just started to feel hinky.  I was right and had figured out *most* of the plot, but I had one little detail wrong. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS  I was thrilled with the way the book ended, it made it all worth it.

Bottom Line - B. A. Paris hit the psychological thriller scene last year with quite a bang.  Behind Closed Doors was one of my favorite books of the year and I was eager to read the follow-up. While I didn't like The Breakdown as much as her first book, it was still the kind of book that a fan of thrillers should not miss!

  • The Breakdown by B.A. Paris
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  • Pages: 336
  • Publisher:  St. Martin's Press
  • Publication Date: 7/18/2017
  • Buy it Here! 

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