(20)The Guest by B. A Paris

Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Some secrets never leave.

Iris and Gabriel have just arrived home from a make-or-break holiday. But a shock awaits them. One of their closest friends, Laure, is in their house. The atmosphere quickly becomes tense as she oversteps again and again: sleeping in their bed, wearing Iris' clothes, even rearranging the furniture.

Laure has walked out on her husband—and their good friend—Pierre, over his confession of an affair and a secret child. Iris and Gabriel want to be supportive of their friends, but as Laure's mood becomes increasingly unpredictable, her presence takes its toll.

Iris and Gabriel's only respite comes in the form of a couple new to town. But with them comes their gardener, who has a checkered past.

Soon, secrets from all their pasts will unravel, some more dangerous than they could have known.

This book happened because people don't know how to set or honor boundaries. And the others were too nice to call them on bad behavior. That irritates the snot out of me. There were moments when it seemed like the story was being dragged out, but some surprising moments kept me hooked. 


  • The Guest by B. A. Paris
  • Pages: 308
  • Publisher: St. Martin's Pres
  • Publication Date: 2/20/2024
  • Buy it Here! 

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