(21)Someone Else's Shoes by JoJo Moyes

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Who are you when you are forced to walk in someone else's shoes?

Nisha Cantor lives the globetrotting life of the seriously wealthy, until her husband announces a divorce and cuts her off. Nisha is determined to hang onto her glamorous life. But in the meantime, she must scramble to cope--she doesn't even have the shoes she was, until a moment ago, standing in.

That's because Sam Kemp - in the bleakest point of her life - has accidentally taken Nisha's gym bag. But Sam hardly has time to worry about a lost gym bag--she's struggling to keep herself and her family afloat. When she tries on Nisha's six-inch high Christian Louboutin red crocodile shoes, the resulting jolt of confidence that makes her realize something must change--and that thing is herself.

Full of Jojo Moyes' signature humor, brilliant storytelling, and warmth, Someone Else's Shoes is a story about how just one little thing can suddenly change everything.

When I first read the synopsis for Someone Else's Shoes I thought it was going to be a "Freaky Friday" situation. But it wasn't, at all. It was about two different women in tough situations out of their control. Nisha's husband just kicked her to the curb with nothing, her only solution is to get a job willing to look past some things. I will say, that more than once I wondered why Nisha didn't just go to the Embassy. She would have gotten help. 

Sam's family and career are in danger. She is desperately trying to hold everything together, but finding Nisha's shoes gave her the boost of confidence that had been eluding her for quite some time. In the end, Nisha and Sam both discovered the same thing, the power of friendship. 


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