Okay, okay, so Hunt for the Skinwalker is not my usual kind of book. But we were on a road trip and my husband prefers to listen to nonfiction books. Having lived in Utah, we were both curious about the premise of this book.
Set on a ranch in northern Utah, this book explores the possibility of supernatural and extraterrestrial beings. Unexplainable things happened to the family that bought this ranch. Not just things randomly moving, but missing and weirdly mutilated cattle. Then there are the unidentified flying objects. Like any normal family would, they sold the ranch. That is when the scientists got involved. For months, scientists spent day and night on the ranch. And what they documented was enough to convert even the most skeptical person.
Hunt for the Skinwalker mixes the supernatural with the extraterrestrial. I think we would be naïve to think that we were alone in the universe. I am not so sure that I believe in the supernatural. They tied all of which in this book to Native American lores. I am not sure why I believe one exists, but not the other. Did this book convince me that skinwalkers are walking among us? No, but it sure made me a little less skeptical.
- Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm A Kelleher, George Kapp
- Pages: 320
- Publisher: Paraview Pocket Books
- Publication Date: 12/6/2005
- Buy it Here!
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