(15)Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Saturday, March 5, 2022


Kya Clark has always been an outside in Barkley Cove, North Carolina. Sheknown as the "marsh girl" to the people of her small North Carolina town. After her mother, then her father, and siblings all abandoned her in the marsh. Through the kindness of a few residents of Barkley Cove, Kya survived and even thrived in the marsh. Her intense study of the animals in the marsh led to a lucrative career as an author of guidebooks. In 1969 Chase Andrews is found dead and the residents of Barkley Cove immediately blame Kya for his death. An investigation leads to Kya and she is charged with the murder of a man that she once loved. Will Kya ever get out of jail and back to the marsh that is her home?

I don't know why I delayed reading Where the Crawdads Sing so long. It was beautiful. Kya Clark is a heroine for the ages. By that, I mean, she thrived without love or support from pretty much anybody. The shop owner was kind to Kya and is probably one of the only reasons why Kya survived her childhood. She had two young men in her life at different times. Each of them with motives that were not entirely pure. The book goes back and forth in the timeline. Kya's childhood and growth into adulthood. And present day (well, 1969). The author does an amazing job of layering the story and keeping the reader completely engaged. The ending was a twist, but it didn't really shock me. CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS

Bottom Line - Where the Crawdads Sing is a book deserving of every accolade ever received.And I am sure the movie that is in production will deserve every future award it wins. With writing like this, there is no way the movie can't succeed. 


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