(8)November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Sunday, January 23, 2022


It was Fallon's last day in Los Angeles before moving to New York, when she was having an argument with her father over breakfast. It was also the day that she met Ben Kessler. He swooped in to save the day by posing as her boyfriend. That is the moment that Fallon's life changed forever. She spends her last day in California with Ben and their connection is fast and furious. If Fallon were not going to New York, they would likely be together forever. Instead, they agree to meet every year for the next five years on the same date. November 9th. Each year Fallon and Ben learn about each other and they fall in love. But is one day out of the year enough to really get to know somebody enough to fall in love?

As somebody on the downhill side of my 40's, I rolled my eyes at Fallon and Ben on the day they met. They were eighteen years old. They were babies. Their age kept me from connecting with them as a reader. Even after five years, they were only twenty-three. So, so young. I stuck with the book because it is my book club's selection for February. When Ben's secrets were revealed, I was angry at the manipulation. And make no mistake, no matter how romantic it seemed, it was manipulation. Then I was saddened by what Ben went through. Not that it makes what he did okay, but I still felt for him. Just because you read about behaviors in a romance novel doesn't mean that women should find them acceptable in real life.  CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS.

Bottom Line - Colleen Hoover has earned such a reputation for love stories that rip your heart out. I have read many of her books and loved them. But, I almost think that November 9 is setting a bad precedence for acceptable behavior. 


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