(6)The Divorce Party by Laura Dave

Monday, January 17, 2022


Gwyn and Thomas Huntington are gathering friends and family for a celebration - of sorts. They are celebrating the end of their thirty-five-year marriage. Gwyn has her own reasons for hosting such an elaborate event in the Hamptons. She is hoping that by the end of the night she gets what she wants most - an apology. 

Maggie is a little nervous to be meeting the family of her fiance, Nate, for the first time. They have been together for a while now, but have only recently moved to the east coast where they live. But it isn't until the day they are supposed to travel to his family's home that Nate discloses that the Huntington family is extremely wealthy. The news shocks Maggie. What else could Nate be hiding from her? 

Every time I picked up The Divorce Party to read this past weekend, I was sure that I had heard of a book with this title. I finally got around to checking out my bookshelf this afternoon and sure enough. The Divorce Party is a reprint from a book originally published in 2008. I will say that one thing became clear with every page I read. The main characters could have solved all their problems had they had just communicated with each other. I get so frustrated with authors who make lack of communication the root of all discord. Give the characters you have invested so much time in developing the skills necessary to communicate with each other! Even the divorce could have possibly been avoided had they just communicated. There was a very symbolic thunderstorm at the end of the book. It signified the destruction of relationships. Of the family. The end turned out better than I expected, though. 

Bottom Line - The Divorce Party was originally published in 2008, likely written even earlier than that. So be aware that society has changed a lot since 2008 and that is reflected in some of the cultural references.  Also, be sure to read the jacket very carefully to ensure that you haven't already read this book. 


  • The Divorce Party by Laura Dave
  • On Instagram
  • Pages: 272
  • Publisher: Penguin Books
  • Publication Date: (Reprint) January 18th, 2022
  • Buy it Here!
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review. 

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