(81)The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


John Nelson has had two wives. His first wife, Kate, is the mother of his daughter and his partner in their successful business that just went public. His second wife, Tish, is barely older than his daughter. She was his executive assistant before he fell in love with her. Now he isn't sure he made the right decision, and after they announce the IPO they rush off to their mountain home in Colorado. John has one thing on his mind, but Tish has something else in mind for their getaway. Neither one of them got what they wanted that weekend. And now Tish and Kate are left to deal with the aftermath. What comes next will give the War of the Roses a whole new meaning. 

I have not read a book that left me feeling "wow" in quite some time. The Next Wife fell short, too. The book is told from alternating perspectives. The author was trying to pit the Mrs. Nelsons against each other and from the reader's perspective and neither one of them was left looking very good. Even Ashlyn, the daughter, seemed like a spoiled brat. There was one little surprise at the end of the book, but it validated my belief that none of them were good people. CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS

Bottom Line - This week between Christmas & New Year's Day has been a blur of Christmas movies and catching up on books I missed out on this year. While The Next Wife didn't hook me like I had hoped it would, it was still a decent way of spending an afternoon. 


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