(72)Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger

Sunday, November 28, 2021


Wren went on the dating app at the insistence of her best friend, Jax. As a famous advice columnist, she has assisted all kinds of women who have struck out on dating sites. Wren never thought that she would make a connection. And then she met Adam Harper. Adam seems to be perfect. He is intelligent, in-tune with her emotions, and incredibly handsome.  But just when she is feeling that this could be the real deal he stands her up. His phone is disconnected, his profiles are deleted, and he is just gone. Then a private investigator shows up at Wren's door. A young woman has gone missing. And she had just been dating somebody she met on the same dating app. And he looks just like Adam Harper. Wren is hurt and confused, but determined to get to the bottom of it. But then she discovers that one of the girls missing is from the area where she grew up and realizes that there is more to this story than anybody knows. Will Wren get the answers she is seeking? Will she ever find Adam Harper and the missing girl?

Last Girl Ghosted takes every fear I have had as an adult and wraps it into one fast-paced thriller. There is the fear of being alone, the fear of losing somebody you love, the fear of getting ghosted, and the fear of dating a psychopath. Oh - and all on the verge of a global pandemic. Then you throw in Wren's past of growing up with a doomsday prepper. Well, it was a perfect storm! I will say that more than once Wren irritated me because she was making stupid decisions. You know how you yell at the girl in high-heels for running upstairs when she is being chased? Yeah, that is the feeling I got with Wren. The story escalated in a way that was a little bit terrifying but worked out in the end. CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS

Bottom Line - I always look forward to Lisa Unger's novels. They are fast-paced and relevant. Last Girl Ghosted is no different. 

  • Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger
  • On Instagram
  • Pages: 400
  • Publisher: Park Row
  • Publication Date: October 5, 2021
  • Buy it Here!
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review. 

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