(30)Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

Saturday, June 5, 2021


It has been eleven years since Meredith Dickey and her daughter, Delilah, went missing. They found Meredith dead of suicide, but they did not find Delilah. Until now, when she was found wandering around after escaping her captors. Delilah has now returned and is the shell of the girl she was. Leo barely remembers his Mom or sister since he was so young when they disappeared, but he isn't all that thrilled that she has returned. Leo and Josh had settled into their "normal" which has been disrupted with Delilah's return, but despite that, Leo feels that something isn't right. Josh keeps brushing it off, he is just happy his little girl is home, but where has Delilah been all this time and why?

Local Woman Missing is a fast-paced thriller. The time frame of the book jumps from chapter to chapter, alternating between "eleven years ago" and present. I really liked Meredith and there was this heaviness hanging over the "past" chapters knowing that it does not end well for her. She was a wonderful mother, wife, and friend. The way she looked out for Shelby was proof of her goodness. As the chapters set in the past progress, it is easy to see Meredith escalating. I don't want to give anything away, but things happened leading up to the disappearance, but none of that compares to the shock you will receive at the end of the book. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS. 

Bottom Line - Local Woman Missing is one of the more gripping novels I have read in recent memory, with an end so shocking I still think about it after several days. 


  • Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica
  • On Facebook
  • Pages: 352
  • Publisher: Park Row
  • Publication Date: 5/18/2021
  • Buy it Here!
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review. 

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