(29)Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Motivation is an important, often elusive, quest for leaders in ever industry across the globe.  Daniel H. Pink tackles the science behind motivation in the book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. From extrinsic to intrinsic motivation to stick or carrot types of motivation, the author covers it all. I didn't always agree with what he had to say, but it was fascinating. Especially when he gets into some non-monetary forms of motivation. Like the ROWE, the "Results Only Work Environment." Employees have the freedom to come and go as they please, as long as they get their work done. 

One thing that really spoke to me, as a leader, was the part of the "four essentials" that are essential for motivation. They call it the "four T's" - employees need to have autonomy over their tasks, their time, their technique, and their team. It was enough to make me think about my own team and the work they do. 

Bottom Line - I have been doing a lot of work-related reading lately. Drive was one that really caused me to think and critically about motivation. 


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