(89)Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Brene Brown has become a juggernaut in the business motivation world. In the book Dare To Lead she tackles the topic of leadership and some of the more difficult conversations that leaders need to have with their teams.  After decades of leadership books in print, there is not a whole lot of new concepts discussed in Dare to Lead, but I do love Brene Brown's approach with her team. Honest and fair seems to be a theme with her.  There was one quote that I wrote down and it has stuck with me over the last few days. 

She also quoted Marcus Aurelius and I think I had heard it before, but it really stuck with me this time. It fits with what has been going on at work. 

Bottom Line - While Dare to Lead doesn't have anything reveloutionary in its pages, it is still a great book to help guide leaders both new and seasoned. 


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