(84)Don't Look for Me by Wendy Walker

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Five years after the death of her daughter and Molly Clarke is still entrenched in her grief.  Her family hates her and she believes that they have every right to hate her. After all, she did kill her daughter. No matter how nasty they are to her, she is still there for every meal. For every football game. Then night Molly went missing. She had been at her son's football game and she never returned home. Her car was found and her credit card was used at a hotel. Then there was a note saying "Don't look for me." So everybody stops looking for her, except for her oldest daughter, Nicole.  Nicole hasn't had an easy time since her sister died and she knows that she has been nasty and cruel to her mother, but she knows that her mother would never just leave them.  Did Molly leave her family behind or is Nicole right that Molly would never willingly leave her family?

Don't Look For Me was a fairly predictable mystery novel about a woman who has taken a lot of abuse.  And nobody was more abusive to Molly than Molly herself. I can't say that I would behave any differently if I was the one who killed my own child. Nicole was also a mess.  She made a lot of risky choices after the death of her sister and it was just pure luck that she didn't end up in a situation similar to her mother - or worse. And then she did.  The whole scenario was really predictable - even the "twist" was predictable. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS. 

Bottom Line - I have enjoyed Wendy Walker novels in the past, however, I was disappointed with the predictable nature of Don't Look For Me. I can promise you this, though, it won't stop me from reading her next book. 


  • Don't Look for Me by Wendy Walker
  • On Instagram
  • Pages: 352
  • Publisher: St. Martin's Press
  • Publication Date: 9.15.2020
  • Buy it Here! 
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for an honest review. 

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