Kate Granger is mourning the loss of her marriage when she returns to her childhood home on the shores of Lake Superior. She has barely had time to get settled when her father finds the body of a young woman and her child that washes up along the shore. Kate is shocked by her overwhelming grief at the loss of this stranger, but then she realizes that it is the woman that she has been dreaming about at night. This woman and her husband have been haunting Kate's dreams. As the police investigate this woman's death, they realize that the clothes she wore were made by a mill that went out of business almost a hundred years ago. And she has no sign of modern dental work. The more Kate investigates on her own, she realizes that the past has slammed into the present and she works hard to find out who killed a woman who died almost a century ago.
The Daughters of the Lake is the perfect kind of novel to read in October full of gothic old dwellings, handsome men, and mysterious things that go bump in the night, you can't help but be sucked into the story. Kate Granger is a likable enough character, she seems sincere and kind. I really liked her cousin and the handsome detective, Nick Adams. I liked their chemistry and the way their story ended. The "big reveal" wasn't anything shocking, but it was still enjoyable. CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS
Bottom Line - Wendy Webb is quickly becoming a "must-read" author for me. The gothic feel to her novels reminds me of an era gone by.
- The Daughters of the Lake by Wendy Webb
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- Pages: 320
- Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
- Publication Date: 11/1/2018
- Buy it Here!
- Thank you to Netgalley for the book in exchange for a review.
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