(80)The Bright Side of Going Dark by Kelly Harms

Sunday, October 11, 2020


It takes being jilted at the altar for social media influencer, Mia Bell, to realize that maybe sharing every detail of her life is not the healthiest way to live life.  She had this amazing wedding planned and every step of the wedding was being paid for by her sponsors. She felt such an obligation to her sponsors and her followers that she faked her wedding to keep them happy. And then she threw her phone off the side of a mountain and decides to take a break from social media.

Paige Miller works for the most popular social media outlet checking posts for community standards. She has become so desensitized to the horrible things that people inflict on each other in the social media posts that she missed her own sister's cry for help. Now Paige has been forced to take a vacation, but instead of taking a break from social media, she notices Mia's absence from social media and decides to step in, wreaking havoc. 

Will these two women be able to find balance in the depths of social media?

I really, really like Kelly Harms. She writes characters that you can't help but like.  At first, you may think that Mia is a shallow, vapid woman, and then you realize that her empty posts hide a young woman struggling with loss. The loss of her brother as well as the loss of her beloved dog. And at first, you may think that Paige is a callous loner. But then you realize that it is a facade, hiding Paige's fear of being left alone. I think that many of us can relate to both Mia and Paige. They both learn a lot about themselves over the course of the book, but I think there is a bigger message the author is trying to share. Many in society have become too dependent on social media and use it as a replacement for real connections and real experiences. 

Bottom Line - The Bright Side of Going Dark is just as delightful as I expected it to be. Even with some of the "dark" themes, you can't help but be drawn into the story of Mia and Paige. 


  • The Bright Side of Going Dark by Kelly Harms
  • On Facebook
  • Pages: 348
  • Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
  • Publication Date: 5/12/2020
  • Buy it Here!
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the book in exchange for a review!

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