(77)The Night Swim by Megan Goldin

Saturday, October 3, 2020


Overnight Rachel Krall's name, and voice, have become recognizable by millions of people. Her podcast, Guilty or Not Guilty, has become a pop-culture phenomenon ever since she helped to prove a convicted man was innocent. Her new season is going to focus on the rape trial of a future Olympic athlete. He is young, handsome, and quite privileged. Rachel isn't in town a day before she finds a plea for help in the form of a letter on her windshield. And just like that, Rachel is pulled into another woman's story and a woman who dies twenty-five years ago.  Will Rachel be able to find out what happened to Hannah while keeping a partial eye on the trial that brought her to town?

It has only been in the last couple of years that I have started listening to podcasts. There is something about the tone of a lot of podcasts that make them seem calming. The steady cadence of the narrator is almost hypnotizing.  I was able to listen to The Night Swim in audiobook and I loved hearing that "tone" in this book. Rachel Krall had a very calming tone to her. She wasn't really looking to be pulled into helping Hannah, but she couldn't resist. The rape case ended the way that it should have, but Hannah's story was a little more shocking. - CLICK HERE FOR SPOILERS. 

Bottom Line - The Night Swim tackles a really relevant topic in a really relevant way through the use of the podcast. Be sure to check it out if you are looking for a good read. 


  • The Night Swim by Megan Goldin
  • On Twitter
  • Pages: 352
  • Publisher: St. Martin's Press
  • Publication Date: 8/4/2020
  • Buy it Here! 
  • Thank you to NetGalley for the audiobook in exchange for an honest review. 

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

I enjoyed this, thanks for sharing your thoughts

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