(40)Most Wanted by Lisa Scottoline

Friday, April 29, 2016

Christine and Marcus Nilsson are desperate to have a baby.  They have done everything and now, after using a donor, they are pregnant. Christine is taking an early maternity leave from her teaching job to prepare for their bundle of joy.  News breaks that a serial killer targeting nurses has been captured.  Everything about the accused matches up with their selected donor.  Donor 3319.  Marcus and Christine are rocked when they realize the implications. Christine could be carrying a child fathered by a serial killer.  They both deal with that information in different ways.  Marcus wants to sue the sperm bank and Christine heads off to the prison to meet donor 3319.  The whole thing has put a strain on their marriage, but Christine isn't so sure that "he" killed all of those nurses and sets out to prove the innocence of Donor  3319 and will the Nilsson's be able to come to grips that their "Most Wanted" baby may have the genetics of a serial killer?

Normally I love Lisa Scottoline and her novels, however, I did not think that Most Wanted was her best work.   Christine and Marcus are both likable people on their own, but they did not work as a couple.  Marcus was a bit of a jerk and Christine was keeping secrets that no wife should keep. How could a marriage like that be successful?  Christine goes from being a teacher, to being on an early maternity leave, to becoming a paralegal with no legal training at all, it was just weird.  It seemed a bit far-fetched, which is unusual for this author.  I don't think I hate it more when a story just doesn't seem to flow very well or aspects of the story doesn't seem realistic.  I didn't ever find myself engrossed in the story or on the edge of my seat with anticipation and again, that is unusual for this author.  I did stick it out and read the whole story because sometimes you just have to know if he did it or not.   The end didn't really surprise me, but it wasn't want I was expecting either.

Bottom line - even though I wasn't all that excited with Most Wanted, Lisa Scottoline is an author that I respect and will always read.


Great data for Top Georgetown Tow Truck said...

I love how Lisa Scottoline writes! Her books are wonderful and she tackles a variety of very interesting topics. She researches the topic and she is a great storyteller. Can't wait for the next book!

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