(66)Nantucket Sisters by Nancy Thayer

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Nantucket Sisters

Pages: 352

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Publication Date: June 17, 2017

Even though Emily and Maggie come from two different worlds they have been best friends ever since they were kids when they met on Nantucket.  Maggie is an "islander" and Emily comes from a wealthy family that summers on the island.  Despite their differences, they spend nearly every waking hour together for nearly every summer of their childhood. Even though their financial differences become more apparent the older they get, Emily can't help but fall for Maggie's older brother, Ben.  The next phase of their life include college, traveling, and long distance relationships, but through it all Maggie and Emily remain best friends.  Until  Emily and Ben break up over money and both friends end up pregnant.  The friends drifts apart and their lives go different ways with Emily married to a high powered finance guy and Maggie staying on the island to raise her daughter alone.  Until a tragedy strikes and they are forced to face some cold hard truths about their friendship and their daughters.  Will the two women become as close as sisters again or are their differences too great to overcome. 

 Set on the beautiful island of Nantucket the differences between the locals and the summer people are illustrated quite nicely in Nancy Thayer's new novel, Nantucket Sisters. As young children the differences in their social classes mean nothing to Maggie and Emily, but those differences become more pronounced with each year that passes.  And to Ben those differences are almost more than he can handle. It irritated me a bit that Ben kind of behaved like an ass about the fact that Emily's family has money.  And at the same time, it really seemed like Emily really seemed like a diva about wanting her family to pay for things.  There was no compromise from either of them. It made me want to shake them and say "WTF".  Then there is that ass Cameron Chadwick.  Really couldn't stand that dude.   While a bit predictable, the end was satisfying and wrapped things up nicely. 

Bottom line, while Nantucket Sisters wasn't my favorite Nancy Thayer novel, it is still definitely worth the read.  Her look at love, friendship, and social status makes for a good read.

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