(19)Uganda Be Kidding Me by Chelsea Handler

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Uganda Be Kidding Me

Pages: 272
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication Date: March 4, 2014

Chelsea Handler is one of those women that I would give anything to hang out with for just one day. ( I don't think my liver could handle any more time than that, to be honest.) In her latest book Chelsea regales us with tales of her travel experiences.  And of course wherever she goes she is surrounded by her inner circle made up of close friends, family and even a few employees.

Uganda Be Kidding Me starts with Chelsea and co heading off to Africa for safari.  In the totally hysterical way that only Chelsea Handler can deliver she tells us all about the trip to Africa.  From their hot guide, Rex to the baboons raping each other outside their villas Chelsea leaves nothing out, including her insane need to drop trou and pee whenever and wherever the need strikes.    Oh and then the trip to the Bahamas directly following the safari, well when you get to the kayak part you will know why I was laughing so hard I nearly woke the whole house.  Chelsea also tells some pretty hysterical stories involving skiing and trips to Switzerland and even Yellowstone (and Montana).    We get to live vicariously through Chelsea Handler as she travels the world with her friends and family.

I want to start by saying that I don't watch Chelsea Lately, mostly because I try to be in bed by ten and my television time is devoted to shows that have a plot. And the weather on the nine o'clock news.  But I have read a few of Chelsea Handler's books and I can always count on laughing out loud.  A few things that struck me with Uganda Be Kidding Me is that Chelsea is very generous with her family and friends.  To letting a friend stay with her to buying her aunt a house she seems very generous. Also, it is very obvious that Chelsea surrounds herself with fun and interesting people guaranteed to make her (and us) laugh. No matter how exhausting she may be, Chelsea surrounds herself with those who would do anything for her.  And it sounds like no matter what they do or where they go they find fun, laughter, and ALL of the booze.   I loved how "discreet" Chelsea was with some of her friends' names.  I mean I am not totally sure who Smandy Smullock is, but I think I can guess.  Or her friend, Schmitney, who had a comedy on NBC for two years.  And Chelsea is wrong, it was freaking hysterical and we miss watching it at our house.

Bottom line, Uganda Be Kidding Me is full of raunchy humor that would likely make your mother blush, but that is the exact reason why you should be reading it. There were several times where I found myself laughing so hard that my sides hurt.  That kind of laughter can't be bad, right?

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