(1)Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Publication Date: August 14, 2012
Pages: 336

Buy it Here!

Here we are - a New Year.  The year 2012 flew by so fast that I still find it hard to believe it is over.  I did not hit my reading goals much to my dismay, but hopefully 2013 will be a little more settled, which will mean more time to read. 

Where'd You Go, Bernadette is a book that is hitting all of the "Best of 2012" lists this year - and I can totally see why!  Where'd You Go, Bernadette is one of the most unique books I have read all year.  

The book is set in Seattle and follows Bernadette Fox and her family.  Her husband is a big wig at Microsoft allowing Bernadette to stay home with their brilliant daughter, Bee.  Bernadette is not your typical suburban housewife, though.  To say she is eccentric is a bit of an understatement.  She is a bit of a recluse and has very little to do with the other moms at Bee's elite prep school, in fact she has very little to do with anyone who is not her daughter or husband.  In fact, when Bee hits a goal with the understanding that her reward is a cruise to Antarctica, Bernadette hires an overseas personal assistant to help her make the preparations.  As their trip draws near Bernadette's anxieties hit an all time high and before you know it, the FBI are involved and Bernadette goes missing. With Bernadette missing everything falls apart for Bee and her father.  Will they go to all ends of the earth to find her and bring "normalcy" back to their lives?

I really, really enjoyed Where'd You Go, Bernadette. It was funny and quirky and surprising in so many ways. I enjoyed how the author showed all the characters viewpoints in different ways.  Like through emails, faxes, or just in the first person narrative.  It kept things fresh and unique, really the whole book was fresh and unique.  I really liked how all of the characters had an opinion about Bernadette, right or wrong and those opinions were either proven or dispelled as the story progresses.

Bottom line, the Fox family puts the "fun" back in dysfunctional family dynamics. If you are looking for a fresh new book with unique and quirky characters, then you must pick up Where'd You Go, Bernadette.
Sara Lucinda Bell said...

This one definitely sounds like my kind of book! I really like seeing things like this in general... a switch in perspective thanks to diaries/letters/e-mails, the views of various friends/family members, and a little bit of fun crazy. =]

Mimi said...

I have a personal reason for wanting to read that book, but I am also looking forward to it for several other reasons. It looks quite fabulous.

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