(62)The Fixer Upper by Mary Kay Andrews

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Fixer Upper

Publication Date: June 15, 2010
Pages: 432

Dempsey Killebrew's life is falling apart.  She has just been fired from her job working for one of the top lobbyists in DC and in the media he is blaming HER for a bribery scandal that will go down in the History books.  She finds herself unemployed, homeless, and sleeping on her father's pull out couch.  She has no idea what she is going to do with her life, but her Father has a suggestion.

Mich Killebrew has recently inherited an old family home in Guthrie, Georgia.  He decides to send Dempsey to see what needs to be done in order to sell it and he will split the profit with her.  Little does Dempsey know that the old run down house comes with it's very own cantankerous old lady and needs lots and lots of work.  Dempsey is not in Guthrie long  before she realizes just how small of a town it really is.  Everybody knows her business and they are all a twitter when two FBI agents show up in Guthrie looking for one Miss. Dempsey Killebrew.  Good thing Guthrie has already claimed her as one of their own and that includes one very handsome lawyer.  Will Dempsey be able to get herself out of this mess and bring down he sleazeball of an ex-boss?

If there is ever a book that would make the perfect Chick Flick, it would be The Fixer Upper. It has all of the fixings for the perfect Reese Witherspoon movie.  It is funny, romantic, sweet, and has a little suspense (very little) thrown in for good measure.  Not to mention a handsome man that sweeps in to help save the day. Oh and it has house porn.  A century old Greek Revival mansion set in the deep South.  Seriously, it would make a GREAT movie!

Bottom line is that I really enjoyed this novel.  I enjoyed watching Dempsey "blossom" from the patsy that was set up by her boss to this strong woman who tackles a home renovation project with gusto.  And then kicks the sleazeball in the crotch. It was a real "I am woman hear me ROAR" kind of moment.  The Fixer Upper would be a great book to take to the beach with you this Summer! Let me know what you think!
CraftyGardenMom - Tanesha said...

I just love MK Andrews books! I recommend any of her backlist if you haven't read them yet. Her new one Spring Fever (June 2012) is great too!

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