(168)The Taker by Alma Katsu

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Taker

Publication Date: September 6, 2011
Pages: 448

The Taker is exactly the kind of book you should pick up to read the weekend before Halloween.  It is Gothic, spooky, suspenseful, and even a little romantic.

The book starts in present day. Dr. Luke Findley is working the graveyard shift when an enigmatic young woman is brought in as a prisoner by the police.  She is accused of killing a man in the woods.  Luke's only focus is to make sure she isn't injured herself when she starts to tell her tale.  Yes, Lanny killed that man, but there is a back-story there that spans nearly 200 years.

Lanore tells the story of her youth in St. Andrew, but it was in the early 1800's.  She tells the story of her love for Jonathon St. Andrew.  And she tells of how she is sent away when she discovers that she is pregnant with Jonathon's baby.  She finds herself alone and destitute in Boston when she is taken in by Adair.  She soon discovers that Adair is not all he seems and her suspicions are founded when he gives her the elixir that will give her eternal life. No matter what they have been through, Adair knows that there is another man who holds Lanny's heart.  Adair commands her to bring him Jonathon, setting off a chain of events that will change the course of their lives. Will Jonathon and Lanny ever be free of Adair's reign of terror? Who was that man in the woods and did Lanny really kill him?  All will be answered if you dare to pick up The Taker.

I am really surprised at how much I enjoyed this book.  The chapters flash back and forth between present day and Boston circa early 1800's.  And as Lanny starts to unravel the mysteries of her path one thing becomes clear, she is a very manipulative woman.  Even though I could see that flaw, it was also very easy to like her.  She is a survivor and will do whatever it takes to survive.  Luke is great character because you think you can see him fall into Lanny's spell, then he will say or do something to let you know that he still has his wits about him.  Bottom line this was a book that had me hooked from page one.  The last ten pages nearly did me in, because it is a teaser from the sequel.  It is one sequel that I will be lining up to buy.

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