(129)Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman

Monday, August 8, 2011

Every now and then I read a book that is so good, I just *know* that it is going to do very well and the author is about to be launched into the literary stratosphere. My friends, meet Matthew Norman.

Domestic Violets is one of those books that make me think of the cliched "Great American Novel" with the exception that Domestic Violets is freaking hysterical. 35 (*gulp* I am 35 for 12 more days) year old Tom Violets is not living the life he thought he would be living at age 35. Instead of being the successful author he always thought he would be, he is trapped in corporate America hell, his book is trapped in his desk drawer, he thinks his wife may be having an affair, his dog is more neurotic than him, and his famous father just won the Pulitzer Prize. Could his life be anymore dismal? Maybe. You will have to read the book to find out.

I admit it, I was a bit surprised at how much I enjoyed Domestic Violets. I laughed out loud many times, then turned the pages to find myself sobered by the reality of Tom's life. Much like many of us, Tom cracks jokes to prevent himself from breaking down.

Matthew Norman has done an wonderful job. His writing is witty, yet introspective. Intelligent, yet silly. He is being compared to Jonathon Tropper and Tom Perrotta, and while I get where the comparisons come from, Matthew Norman is pretty brilliant in his own right. Do yourself a favor, give it a read and let me know what you think.
Bookish Hobbit said...

Oh, this sounds like it could be good. Thanks for the review!

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