(85)Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Friday, June 10, 2011

If you did not now, I am originally from a small town in Southwest Iowa, about an hour outside of Omaha. When I was a kid, if you can call my late teen years a kid, we would go to Omaha for our shopping and entertainment.
So I had heard some buzz about Attachments, but didn't know much about the book. I picked it up at the library and was beyond delighted to find out, not only is it set in Omaha, but it is written by an Omaha World Herald columnist that I have enjoyed reading for years!

The author doesn't actually come out and SAY that the book is set in Omaha, but I caught on to her vague references. I mean, the main character's name is Lincoln (Go Big Red!), the characters hang out at The Ranch Bowl (RIP), aaaaand the comment one of the characters made about all of the schools being named after directions. (for my cousins I say GO WESTSIDE!) I *loved* reading about my old stomping grounds, especially since the book is set in 1999 which happens to be my last year in the Omaha area.

Anyway, let me tell you about the book. Beth & Jennifer are coworkers at the local newspaper and one of the last papers in America to get the internet. Their paper has even gone so far as to hire an IT guy who does nothing but sits and reads all of the emails sent by staffers to ensure that no one is giving away their scoop. In the process of reading the emails between Beth and Jennifer, Lincoln has fallen in love with Beth. Will this shy, IT guy be able to overcome his shyness to let this great girl know his true feelings?

Attachments was a fun book. The book is not told entirely in epistolary format, you read all of the emails between Beth & Jennifer, but the chapters in between is Lincoln's life as he starts to come out of his shell. The characters are fun and the story is enjoyable. If you are looking for a good, unique, Chick Lit, check it out, you will totally enjoy this one!
Sarah said...

I heard about this book a while back, so when I saw it at my library this past week I grabbed it. Hopefully I'll get to it soon, it sounds really good! Thanks for the review!

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