Chelsea Cain was one of those "debut authors" almost four years ago. I remember getting an ARC of Heartsick through work and falling in love with her writing. Chelsea Cain writes the kind of novels I love. Suspense thrillers that work your brain into a frenzy trying to figure out the twist (in the first three books you KNOW who is behind the killing) you just don't know how.
Okay, I have gushed enough. The Night Season takes us back to Portland with our favorite damaged detective, Archie. Portland is under siege, from Mother Nature. The rain won't stop, the flooding is getting out of control, and the bodies are stacking up. But it takes an observant ME to discover that the drowning victims are really murder victims. Someone is murdering the citizens of Portland by using a the poison of a venomous octopus. Will Archie and his crew, including the rogue reporter, Susan, be able to find the serial killer before it is too late?
Chelsea Cain does not disappoint. While Night Season is not as gruesome as her previous books, it is still very much a psychological thriller. Her style of fear has become like a security blanket for me. Familiar and comforting in a weird twisted way. The Night Season is a "LendMe" book for the nook. First responder with email address can borrow it from me!
I would love to read this.
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thank you,
I just sent the invite, Bobbie. Enjoy!
Thanks so much for lending me this. I read it in 2 nights. Really enjoyed it. I live in Oregon so it was interesting to know many of the places that the author wrote about.
I just discovered your blog, I am really enjoying your reviews.
Thanks again,
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