Nancy Thayer lived up to that standard. Her book was a little more lighthearted than The Island, but it was an enjoyable tale, also of sisterly relationships and their relationship with their Father's new love interest.
30 year old Abbie has been nannying in London when she receives an SOS email from her youngest sister, Lily. Their father is being preyed upon by by the woman, Marina, renting their cottage and their other sister, Emma lost her job and her fiance and has barely left her bedroom. Abbie heads home to do what she has already done once for her sisters, pick everything up and hold the family together.
A couple things stood out for me in this book. First of all, Marina (the vixen renting the cottage) is from Kansas City. Nancy Thayer makes a few references to KC landmarks. In fact she referred to Swope Park as being a "nice park". Um. I lived in KC for almost ten years & I was scared to death of going to Swope Park without an armed escort. Several times a year on the news "A body was discovered in Swope Park...." -- Um, "nice park" --- only if you are armed. LOL. Second of all, the way the older sisters treated Lily sometimes irritated the snot out of me, but I can see the reality of that relationship.
I enjoyed both of the books set on Nantucket. They were both good in their own ways, but both were very enjoyable! A great escape for those of us who are stuck in, say, Kansas City. Oh, wait. I meant Wyoming.
everyone has changed their layout since i last visited directly and not through RSS. nice. pink but clean but wow.
Thank you! I am a "pink" kind of girl, but I didn't want it to look like an exploded bottle of peptmo bismal.
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