Another mediocre book under my belt. I was not impressed with The Summer We Fell Apart, yet it was not the worst book that I have ever read. The book has gotten several favorable reviews, but I just was not feeling it.
The Haas siblings had an interesting childhood. With two eccentric, "artsy' parents, the kids were pretty much left to their own devices until the summer that things changed. The summer that their parents divorced.
The story is broken down into four sections with each Haas sibling telling their story. Some siblings were a bit more interesting & engaging than the others, with George, being my favorite. I was a bit confused in the time line of the story, each sibling at a different time, not necessarily concurrent, but eventually the author threw me a bone as to when it was in relation to things.
The Summer We Fell Apart was an interesting study in sibling relationships. Like I said, not the best book I have read, yet not the worst. Hopefully the next book I read will be a little more inspiring.
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