While I thought Stori Telling was just "meh," I really enjoyed Tori Spelling's Mommywood.
The difference between the two novels was I think Stori Telling was all about Tori's entitled childhood and her uncomfortable relationship with her family, specifically her mother. She detailed her adulterous affair and that was a little hard for me to take. She didn't really come across as a nice girl.
Mommywood is the next step. So she and her husband had an affair, unfortunately they are not the only people in the world to start their relationship that way. They are married now and have started their family together. This is where I start to like Tori. Sure her world is completely different than any world I will ever live in. But she tries so hard to be "normal". Baking cake for the neighborhood party, pushing her kids in the stroller, dealing with poopy diapers in the swimming pool. All everyday stuff that most Mom's have to deal with.
Tori's self deprecating humor was almost refreshing. She really came across as "down to earth" in this book. Almost so much that I may actually check out her show. What do you think? Will I like it?
I do enjoy her show and have been meaning to pick up her books. Thanks for the reminder, although I have about a bizillion books on my to read list first.
Really liking your blog and look forward to reading more of your reviews.
Thanks, Ljax!
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