The Murderer's Daughters really didn't do much for me.
The premise is pretty good. Two young girls are left to the system in the 1970's when their father stabs their mother to death and nearly stabbed Merry, the youngest, to death. And LuLu, the older system let him into the house against their Mother's instructions.
If that isn't enough baggage for two children to grow up with, I don't know what is. The rest of the book is about how LuLu and Merry live with the knowledge that their father is a murderer. And both girls handle that knowledge in different ways.
Like I said, this book really didn't do much for me. The characters did not evoke any emotion from me, I guess you can say that I wasn't invested in the characters or the story. I did read the whole book, but I rushed through it, ready to find something that will just suck me in.
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