Okay, more like last night. I woke up to go to the bathroom at 2:00am and ended up staying awake until almost 4:00am to finish The Love of Her Life. Yes, that was a colossal mistake that will likely comeback to bite me in the butt when I work the late shift tonight, but it was well worth it.
Kate Miller is going through the motions in New York City, her home for the last three years. She has received word that her father is ill and she must return to her home in London. The thought of returning to the city that nearly destroyed her is scary at best. Is she strong enough to face her past?
The story is a tragic one and I will let Kate Miller tell you her story. It involves a series of events that spiraled out of control, starting with a cheating fiance and concluded with tragic consequences. Is Kate strong enough to face all of that with her return to London? It was 3:00am in the morning and I was crying in bed. Kate Miller is a very likable character. I so badly wanted her to sort things out and live happily ever after with The Love of Her Life. Does she? That you must discover for yourself.
The Love of Her Life is Chick Lit at it's best. Well written with engaging characters and a plot that captivates you. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to the next time I can get my hands on a Harriet Evans novel.
That's another one that sounded really good. I'll pick it up someday I'm sure.
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