(84)Postsecret:: Confessions on Life, Death, & God by Frank Warren

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Have you heard of Postsecret? It has been such an intregal part of my Sunday routine for many, many years now. It is hard for me to believe that there are people out there that haven't heard of Postsecret, but I imagine that it is possible.

I guess you could say that Postsecret is a social experiment. People send their deepest, darkest secrets to a random Post Office Box and every Sunday a guy by the name of Frank Warren posts them on his blog. It is actually pretty dern cool.

I have never sent in a secret, but many of the secrets posted could be applied to my life. It is reassuring to see that there are other people out there with the same struggles, same hopes, same dreams as myself.

While I did not write that Secret, I recognize that wrapping paper. I recognize those signs. This secret could have been written by any one of my colleagues. It was a secret from a few weeks ago.

The new Postsecret book came out this week. The secrets it contains focus on Life, Death, & God. It is a fabulous little book. The difference between the new book and the others in the series, is that this book is actually shaped like a post card. It is one postcard per page. The book is thicker than the others, but I think I like this format better. You don't get distracted by all of the postcards on one page, you can just focus on one person's secrets at a time. It is pretty cool.

If you haven't checked out the Postsecret Blog before, then I encourage you to do so. And the next time you are in a bookstore, pick up one of the Postsecret books. You never know when someone elses's secret might change your life.

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